Evan Rose

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Monday, November 12th, 2012

Recently, On My Corner of the Web...

Did some more cleaning up around here. Even though those sites have moved on to greener pastures, I've put up links to some of my older freelance work that lives on my own server, Beer Table version 1, Beer Table version 2, Beer Table Pantry and Nikki Stager, the last being one, I really like but which never got used, though the images getting pulled in from Flickr can be a little flaky.

Also, my first project for people.com is now live: Reader React. I built this almost from scratch, using only the container and a forked copy of their javascript commenting system. First, PHP fetches a JSON feed of all of the articles that have had the highest comment counts for the past 24 hours. Next, each article gets a container and its data is put into it (though in the case of data from People's Wordpress blog, another JSON feed is fetched, parsed and inserted). Following that, each article id is put into an array which builds an url which is fetched by JQuery and parsed so that each article gets its comment counts as well as the commenting module for that article itself (which required the fork of their commenting system - this need was not foreseen). Finally, valid XHTML and CSS style the results, which have get written to disk as HTML by a cron job that runs every ten minutes. Fun project. Keep 'em coming.

Finally, Instagram added profiles and here is mine.

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